About Us /   Membership Form


Any individual, association of individuals or companies or others engaged or interested in Plastic Industry trade or allied line having their manufacturing plant, factory, Shop or place of business in Rajasthan 0r any part of India shall be eligible for election as a member of Plastic Manufacturers Association Rajasthan subject to the provision mentioned here under.

A) Ordinary Member

Any firm or company engaged in the manufacture of plastic raw material, machinery, accessory equipments, parts, tools, dies, mould, etc or processing of plastic finished and or semi finished products, acting as sales representatives of any manufacturing or plastic raw material, products, machinery, equipments etc, importers, exporters, dealers of plastic raw materials, products, machinery etc are eligible for admission as an ordinary member of the Association. An ordinary member shall pay an annual subscription of Rs.800/- and also Rs 200/-only at the time of admission to the Association.

B) Life Member

Any person, firm or company who is eligible to be elected as ordinary member (defined above) is also eligible to become Life Member of the Association. A Life Member shall pay a subscription of Rs.11000/- at a time of admission. He will not be required to pay any annual subscription to the Association.

C) Affiliated Member

Any Association representing producers, manufacturers, dealers, processors or traders of plastic goods, raw materials etc or allied lines shall be eligible for election as an affiliated member of the Association. An affiliated member shall be required to pay an annual subscription of Rs.800/- and Rs.200/- as entrance fee or Life Member subscription of Rs.11000/- to the Association.

D) Honorary Member

Any person distinguished for technical services or eminent in plastics trade, commerce or recognized for his outstanding services to the Association may be elected Honorary Member by the Executive Committee. Honorary Member shall not be required to pay any entrance fee and subscription to the Association.

Membership Form